Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Cold Water Surf Wax (by Po and Wax)

Our friends Po and Wax teach us how to make their cold water surf wax..


1) Head down to Manly and spend 3 hours picking the sap off the Norfolk Pines on a hot day
3) Raid your nearest bee hive
4) Make coconut oil (I'm sure google will help you out with this one)

Melt the ingredients together 4 parts bees wax, 1 part cocount oil, 1 part Manly Norfolk Pine tree sap. Let cool. Apply to board. Smells great and works a treat!

1 comment:

Buy Surfboard Wax said...

I wonder if this is for real. I'd love to try, but it's a pretty big effort to fly down to Manly from Queensland just to source some freshly squeezed tree sap.